Sunday, November 26, 2006

Things to do if you see a Mountain Lion

I can't believe I forgot to write about the Mountain Lions at the Oregon Caves. No, we didn't see any. But we did see lots of reassuring signs. Signs (computer printouts, obviously printed out recently on clean, white paper), attached to many trees and poles and buildings. These signs said something like If You See a Mountain Lion Report it to the Ranger Immediately.

Hmmm... That got me thinking about what I would actually do if I saw a mountain lion up close. My thoughts were something like this:

I would run like hell.
I would climb a tree.
I would scream.
I would probably have a heart attack.
I would look for a big stick or rocks.
I would scream until the ranger found me.
I would yell at the ranger for not having Mountain Lion Signs that actually gave advice on how to protect yourself if you saw a mountain lion.

After we got back I found the following link to advice on what you are supposed to do if you see a Mountain Lion -

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