Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oregon Fall Vacation

That's right. We recently got back from our fall vacation. Spent a week camping in Oregon. Still love our RV. It's so nice to travel around with our own little 'cabin'. Anyway, I'll start posting on this trip soon. In the meantime... following are the locations and activities you can look forward to reading about.

Camping in the Bro-in-laws driveway.
Cave Junction; National Cave Monument, 90 minute Cave Tour, Mountain Lions.
Prospect; Avenue of the Boulders and waterfall hikes
Crater Lake, Bears
John Day Painted Hills
Digging Fossils in Fossil
John Day Fossil Beds
Root Beer Float in the best, funnest, Ice Cream Shop ever.
Boardman, bike ride, flat tires.

This was one of my favorite types of vacations. In addition to gorgeous scenery, we had time to read, play games, ride bikes, ride the motorcycle, and explore new areas and hobbies. We met lots of friendly Oregonians. Details to follow.

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