Sometimes we'd look at Truck Campers. There are some mighty nice ones out there. But we figured out we'd have to dump a lot of money in our truck or maybe even buy a new truck. Plus, we really wanted a little more room. So we finally checked truck campers off our list.
Trailers were never on our list. Dave absolutely did not want a trailer. Unless it was a 5th wheel. 5th wheels were definitely on our list. Lots of room in the 5th wheels. But we had the same issue with our truck. It's brakes and transmission would need upgrades. Plus, with a 5th wheel, we couldn't take the motorcycle on trips. You know how cranky motorcycles get when they have to stay at home. So we crossed 5th Wheels off the list.
We decided that a small, newer, used, Class C would be the perfect unit. Small enough to get in and out of regular campsites. Strong enough to pull the motorcycle. Room enough for company. We even knew what model we wanted. The 'Party' model. These have the kitchen in the back, a sleeper couch, a dinette, and a bed above the cab. Sadly, these can be difficult to find.
So, frustrated, we usually stopped our shopping for awhile. The stuff we could afford didn't really work for us. The stuff that worked for us we couldn't really afford. Then the next year, invariably, we'd put the truck campers and 5th wheels back on our imaginary list.
Then, one very special day, on the way back from Seattle, we stopped at an RV lot. There, with it's door open, calling our names, was a used 23' Class C. It was perfect! Well, except for the blue interior. Luckily that could be changed someday. We made an offer based on it passing an independant mechanical check.
So that's the story of how we found our motorhome. And here's a picture of it on our very first camping trip.

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